20 years ago when I was a naive teenager with big dreams of becoming the next David Carson I created a series of fonts. Heavily influenced by the fashion of the time they were mostly of the grunge category. I released some of them as free fonts; one of those fonts was Mom’s Typewriter which was created from a strike-up of my mother’s antique typewriter. 20 years later it has become quite popular and has been used countless times in print and online; it can for example be seen in the logo of emo band My Chemical Romance, is used by musician Ed Sheeran, was the credits-font for the ill-fated animated series Murder Police, and — what 15-year old Mueller would’ve been especially proud of — is in use on the official Rage Against The Machine website. Recently it has also been used in a bit on Conan. Though it’s nice to see one’s work being liked, I wouldn’t miss the chance to have a little talk concerning the topic of economics with my younger counterpart.